Genome Explorer short help

"Restriction sites" command

    The window "Restriction sites" serves to search of restriction sites in a sequence. Search goes for the sites described in Restriction sites Database. In heading after a mark "#" the dropping down list serves for a choice of a sequence in which there will be a search is located.
  • The field "from" serves for definition of number of a position with which search begins.
  • The field "to" serves for definition of number of a position on which search comes to an end.
  • The field "length" serves for definition of length of area of search.
  • The dropping down list "chain" serves for a choice of a direction of search:
    • (+/-) - search in a direct and reverse chains.
    • (+) - search in a direct chain.
    • (-) - search in a reverse chain.
    The definition of a direction of search is meaningful only for the sites which are not being palindroms.
  • The field "input RS names" serves for set required identifiers of restriction sites. Identifiers can be divided points, commas and blanks in any combination. For example: AvaII, HindIII; HaeIII HindI ... etc. If identifiers are not specified, there is a search of all restriction sites, contained in base (in the given version more than 4000 sites). With the help of the reference "See Restrictases in DB" it is possible to look the alphabetic list of identifiers and sequences of restriction sites contained in a database. Sequences of restriction sites are set in the 15-letter alphabet.
    • The Button "Set from DB" serves for a choice of identifiers of restriction sites from a database.
  • The field "Command summary" displays the current adjustments of a command (the chosen parameters). The given field is only information and does not serve for adjustment of parameters of command.

  • Parameters "from", "to" and "length" are connected among themselves. Simultaneously can be given no more than two parameters. At recalculation of parameters there is a check that values of parameters do not contradict each other and are intelligent.
  • If parameters "from", "to" and "length" are not given, to parameter "from" value "BEGIN" is appropriated (the beginning of a sequence), to parameter "To" is appropriated value "END" (the end of a sequence).
  • If the parameter "length" is given only, to parameter "to" value "BEGIN" is appropriated (the beginning of a sequence), to parameter "to" value of parameter "length" is appropriated.
  • If the parameter "to" is given only, to parameter "from" value "BEGIN" (the beginning of a sequence) is appropriated.
  • If the parameter "from" is given only, to parameter "to" value "END" (the end of a sequence) is appropriated.
  • If parameters "from" and "length" are given, value "to" is calculated in view of the specified values (to=from length-1).
  • If parameters "to" and "length" are given, value "from" is calculated in view of the specified values (from=to-lenhgth+1).