Services Test Online


FIND REP / find repeat in small genomes

Select genome input

Paste sequence here:

Alternatively, load a local file with sequence:

Local file name:

Alternatively, select one of preload genome:

Find in both chain: 
Show positions only: 
Only longest representative: 
Output seq string length
Output mode:
  Full group set
  Repeat mapping

Advanced options [see example of value in (..)]:

find_rep options
Minimum alignment homology (>=50.0)
Minimum alignment score (>=3.0)
pos_delta_h (1-10)
pos_delta (2*pos_delta_h - 10*pos_delta_h)
pos_delta_merge (2*pos_delta_h - 10*pos_delta_h)
min_block_len (>= 10)
min_clust_size (> 0)
min_fields_cross (>= min_block_len - pos_delta )
min_fields_cross_per (0-100)%
Put here other options, if any.

Minimum alignment homology (>=50.0)
min_block_len (>= 10)
Put here other options, if any.

[Hide advanced options

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Last modification date: 24 Jul 2007