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Solovyev VV, Shahmuradov IA, Salamov AA. (2010) Identification of promoter regions and regulatory sites. Methods Mol Biol. 674, 57-83.
Shahmuradov I., Solovyev V. (2015) Nsite, NsiteH and NsiteM Computer Tools for Studying Transcription Regulatory Elements. Bioinformatics , doi: 10.1093.

NsiteM / Recognition of Conserved Regulatory motifs (for RE Sets derived from ooTFD, RegsiteAN DB and RegsitePL DB)

Paste nucleotide sequence here:

Alternatively, load a local file with sequence in Fasta format:
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RegsiteAN DB (human/animals)
RegsitePL DB (plants)
ooTFD DB (human and animals)

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Last modification date: 24 Jun 2016