> PLPR0177 ..AC:U81368.1 ..OS:Arabidopsis thaliana ..GENE:AGL3..PROD:nitrate reductase..[ -200:  +51] ..CDS:+356 ..TSS:201 (+1) |Taxon: Dicot |Promoter: TATA-less
  Nucleotide Frequencies:  A -  0.42   G -  0.12   T -  0.34   C -  0.11

      1  ctaggaatca atttttattt tctgcaaaaa caaaagtgta aaagaaaatt
     51  aataataata tatattccct gatgaaggta agactaaaat aatgtaacta
    101  cacaaaaata ctttttagaa tttataatat tttatattaa ttttttaaaa
    151  aggaaagttt tataagattg gatataagtt tggaagcatt tatttggcca
    251  A

  RE motifs found (positions are given in relation to TSS at 201; Mismatches - in lower case):

AC RSP00270   Mean Expected Number 0.003   -strand   -161 : -171   TACACTTTTGt
AC RSP00307   Mean Expected Number 0.008   +strand     -4 :   +2   GCCAAG
AC RSP00716   Mean Expected Number 0.002   +strand    +21 :  +29   CAAAACCAA
AC RSP00933   Mean Expected Number 0.010   +strand    -80 :  -68   TTTATAATaTTTT
AC RSP01621   Mean Expected Number 0.001   -strand   -161 : -170   TACACTTTTG

  Totally       5 motifs of     5 different REs have been found

Description of REs found

  262. Group TF: OBP1 /AC: RSP00270//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: GST6/RE: OBP1 BS /TF: OBP1
  294. Group RE: GCCAAG motif /AC: RSP00307//OS: Hordeum vulgare /GENE: Chi26/RE: GCCAAG motif /TF: unknown
  681. Group RE: GT motif /AC: RSP00716//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: Adh/RE: GT motif /TF: unknown
  862. Group RE: AT-2a /AC: RSP00933//OS: Pinus sylvestris /GENE: GS1a/RE: AT-2a /TF: unknown
 1441. Group TF: GmDof4; GmDof22 /AC: RSP01621//OS: Glycine max /GENE: Synthetic OLIGO/RE: E4 /TF: GmDof4; GmDof22

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