> PLPR0332 ..AC:M35868.1 ..OS:Arabidopsis thaliana ..GENE:FedA ..PROD:ferrodoxin A ..[ -200:  +51]  ..CDS:  +51 ..TSS:201 (+1) |Taxon: Dicot |Promoter: TATA-less
  Nucleotide Frequencies:  A -  0.40   G -  0.10   T -  0.22   C -  0.27

      1  ctgtcccaag taagaccacg taatactcac ctcaacaaga tagtgttctt
     51  aaagtgtgtc aaacacaatc acacacacac aaatcataaa acacaaagac
    101  gataatccat cgatccacag aatagacgcc acgtggtaga taggattctc
    151  actaaaaagt tctcaccttt taatctttct ccacgccatt tccacaagcc
    251  A

  RE motifs found (positions are given in relation to TSS at 201; Mismatches - in lower case):

AC RSP00073   Mean Expected Number 0.001   +strand    -73 :  -64   GCCACGTGGt
AC RSP00073   Mean Expected Number 0.001   -strand    -64 :  -73   aCCACGTGGC
AC RSP00153   Mean Expected Number 0.000   -strand    -65 :  -74   CCACGTGGCg
AC RSP00175   Mean Expected Number 0.000   -strand    -66 :  -73   CACGTGGC
AC RSP00682   Mean Expected Number 0.001   +strand    -73 :  -64   GCCACGTGGt
AC RSP00718   Mean Expected Number 0.000   +strand    -72 :  -65   CCACGTGG
AC RSP00718   Mean Expected Number 0.000   -strand    -65 :  -72   CCACGTGG
AC RSP00874   Mean Expected Number 0.003   +strand   -154 : -144   TCTTAAAGTGt
AC RSP00917   Mean Expected Number 0.009   -strand   -165 : -174   GTTGAGGTGA
AC RSP00931   Mean Expected Number 0.009   -strand    -57 :  -62   CCTATC
AC RSP01034   Mean Expected Number 0.005   -strand    -67 :  -73   ACGTGGC
AC RSP01378   Mean Expected Number 0.000   +strand   -102 :  -63   ACGATAATC-- ** bp --GCCACGTGGTA
AC RSP01378   Mean Expected Number 0.000   +strand    -73 :  -56   GCCACGTGGTA-- +0 bp --GATAGGA

  Totally      13 motifs of    11 different REs have been found

Description of REs found

   72. Group TF: TAF-1 /AC: RSP00073//OS: Nicotiana tabacum /GENE: Synthetic OLIGO/RE: PA /TF: TAF-1 ||Identical REs AC:  RSP00274
  149. Group RE: Box II /AC: RSP00153//OS: Petroselinum crispum /GENE: CHS/RE: Box II /TF: CPRF-1; CPRF-2; CPRF-3; ||Identical REs AC:  RSP00154
  169. Group RE: ABRE /Group TF: ABF /AC: RSP00175//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: Synthetic OLIGO/RE: ABRE /TF: ABF ||Identical REs AC:  RSP00723  RSP01570
  651. Group TF: GBF3 /AC: RSP00682//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: Adh/RE: -214 G-box (core) /TF: GBF3
  683. Group TF: GBF /AC: RSP00718//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: Adh/RE: G-box-1 /TF: GBF ||Identical REs AC:  RSP01254
  810. Group TF: Dof3 /AC: RSP00874//OS: Zea mays /GENE: Synthetic oligonucleotids/RE: Dof3 BSopt /TF: Dof3
  848. Group TF: Opaque-2 /AC: RSP00917//OS: Zea mays /GENE: b-32/RE: B5 /TF: Opaque-2
  860. Group RE: H-box IV /AC: RSP00931//OS: French Phaseolus vulgaris /GENE: CHS/RE: H-box IV /TF: unknown
  959. Group TF: ABI3; ABI5; AREB1 /AC: RSP01034//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: RD29B/RE: ABRE 1/2 /TF: ABI3; ABI5; AREB1
 1262. Group RE: fed-CMA1 I-box - G-box] /AC: RSP01378//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: Fd-2/RE: fed-CMA1 I-box - G-box] /TF: unknown
 1299. Group RE: fed-CMA1 [G-box - I-box-like motif] /AC: RSP01378//OS: Arabidopsis thaliana /GENE: Fd-2/RE: fed-CMA1 [G-box - I-box-like motif] /TF: unknown

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