
Search for significant patterns in the set of sequences.

Example of output:

Total sequences: 20
Found 10 pattern(s)
Pattern    1, Length:   9, Power:   20(100%), Q:70.699721, Inf:11.5212 ( 2.3555) Q2:70.699721, F0:    2.24981
Consensus: CGCABHBGG
Initial:   GCTATCGG
   A    C    G    T
   0  950   50    0   1.7136
   0  100  850   50   1.2524
   0  950   50    0   1.7136
 850    0   50  100   1.2524
 200    0    0  800   1.2781
  50    0  200  750   1.0082
 200  700   50   50   0.7432
 150   50  750   50   0.8460
   0   50  950    0   1.7136
     1:    126    134 + CGCATTCGG *      6636
     2:    186    194 + CGCTATAGG *      4047
     3:    239    247 + CGCATTCGC *      5341
     4:    212    220 + CGCATGCAG *      5029
     5:    251    259 + CGCATGCGG *      5888
     6:    456    464 + CGCATGGGG *      4804
     7:    183    191 + CGGATTCTG *      4203
     8:    103    111 + CCCGTTCGG *      4342
     9:    492    500 + CTCATTCCG *      4302
    10:    468    476 + CGCATTCGG *      6636
    11:    509    517 + CGCAATCGG *      5845
    12:    495    503 + CGCAATCGG *      5845
    13:    219    227 + GCCATTCGG *      4254
    14:    434    442 + CGCATTTGG *      5551
    15:    280    288 + CGCATGCGG *      5888
    16:    430    438 + CGCTATCGG *      4759
    17:    337    345 + CGCATTAGG *      5924
    18:     99    107 + CGCATAAGG *      4810
    19:    133    141 + CGCATTCAG *      5777
    20:    521    529 + CGCATTAAG *      5065

Pattern    2, Length:   9, Power:   19(95%), Q:66.807998, Inf:11.7074 ( 2.3381) Q2:66.807998, F0:    2.16649
Consensus: CGCATTCGG
Initial:   GCATTCAG
   A    C    G    T
   0  947   53    0   1.7025
   0  105  842   53   1.2258
   0  947   53    0   1.7025
 895    0   53   53   1.4093
 158    0    0  842   1.3708
  53    0  211  737   0.9785
 158  737   53   53   0.8077
 158   53  737   53   0.8077
   0   53  947    0   1.7025
     1:    126    134 + CGCATTCGG *      6642
     3:    239    247 + CGCATTCGC *      5374
     4:    212    220 + CGCATGCAG *      5117
     5:    251    259 + CGCATGCGG *      5935
     6:    456    464 + CGCATGGGG *      4838
     7:    183    191 + CGGATTCTG *      4271
     8:    103    111 + CCCGTTCGG *      4367
     9:    492    500 + CTCATTCCG *      4375
    10:    468    476 + CGCATTCGG *      6642
    11:    509    517 + CGCAATCGG *      5732
    12:    495    503 + CGCAATCGG *      5732
    13:    219    227 + GCCATTCGG *      4320
    14:    434    442 + CGCATTTGG *      5544
    15:    280    288 + CGCATGCGG *      5935
    16:    430    438 + CGCTATCGG *      4494
    17:    337    345 + CGCATTAGG *      5813
    18:     99    107 + CGCATAAGG *      4734
    19:    133    141 + CGCATTCAG *      5824
    20:    521    529 + CGCATTAAG *      4995


Total sequences: 20 - number of sequences that formed a pattern.
Found 10 pattern(s) - number of patterns.
Pattern 1 - pattern's number.
Length: 9 - length of pattern's sequences.
Power: 20(100%) - number and percentage of sequences that were included into pattern.
Q:70.699721 - quality of a pattern that reflects both its homogeneity and its power.
Inf:11.5212 ( 2.3555) - informational content of a pattern.
Q2:70.699721 - quality of a pattern in the context of its presentation's skew in target and control sets.
F0: 2.24981 - indicates the frequency of occurrence in a target set.
Consensus: CGCABHBGG - consensus of a pattern for 15-letter alphabet.
Initial: GCTATCGG - initial consensus, from which the pattern was created.
Frequences: - pattern's matrix of frequencies. The right column represents an informational content of each pattern's position:
Sequences: - weight of all sequences that formed a pattern.
1: 126 - 134 - start and end of sequences that formed a pattern.
+ - strand direction.
CGCATTCGG * - sequence of a pattern. * means that this sequence was used in pattern formation.
6636 - weight of a pattern in matrix of frequencies.