Data visualization

Navigation panel

The panel is purposed for schematic visualization of data and navigation. Navigation can be performed with use of the navigation frame. On the mouse click over the fragment of schematic sequence image the frame is being relocated to the point of click. At this, on the sequences panel, in accordance to a range selected on the navigation panel, visible fragments of sequences are being switched. On dragging the frame the same mechanism is being realized. Between the sequences panel and navigation panel there is a feedback, i.e. on changing the active fragment on the sequences panel, the visible fragment on navigation panel is also changed, and vise versa.


The navigator provides the possibility to select the frames of region displayed on the navigation panel.

The region of runner movement corresponds to frames of sequence and the runner itself - to a sequence fragment displayed on the navigation panel.

Scale. Scale represents the length of sequence. Starting and ending positions are marked with red color.

Manipulations can be performed with use of mouse. Redrawing of navigation panel region occurs on the runner relocation. The frames and scaling of this region can be changed by several ways: