Graphic navigation bar

The graphic navigation bar allows to select approximate borders of a region to be displayed on the map.

The slider movement area corresponds to loaded region.

To the left of navigation bar the button is located. Clicking this button leads to selection of all loaded region. In this case the slider occupies the whole movement area.

To the right of navigation bar the shift buttons are located.

Clicking some of the buttons or leads to shift of a selected region (and the slider itself) in appropriate direction on current map size.

Clicking on the movement area to the left or to the right of the slider leads to shift of the map in appropriate direction for current map width.

Clicking some of the buttons or leads to shift of a selected region (and the slider itself) in appropriate direction on 20% of current map size.

Clicking some of the buttons or leads to shift of a selected region (and the slider itself) in appropriate direction on 10 nucleotides.