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Reference: Solovyev V.V. (2007) Statistical approaches in Eukaryotic gene prediction. In Handbook of Statistical genetics (eds. Balding D., Cannings C., Bishop M.), Wiley-Interscience; 3d edition, 1616 p.

HMM plus similar protein-based gene prediction

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Paste protein sequence here:

Alternatively, load a local file with sequence in Fasta format:

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Total 506 genome-specific parameters are available for genefinders of FGENESH suite

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Most gene finding parameters presented here were trained by Softberry for its own use and distribution, using proprietary and publicly available data. Some of the parameters were created for our academic customers, including Broad Institute/MIT, Washington University, University of Minnesota and The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR).

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Last modification date: 12 Dec 2013