Genome Explorer short help

"Insert/Unite" command

    The window "Insert/Unite" serves to uniting of sequences. In heading before the name of a command the dropping down list serves to a choice of a sequence to which addition will be made (further a sequence 1) is located. After the name of a command the dropping down list serves to a choice of a sequence which will be added (further a sequence 2) is located.
  • The field "Result (sequence name)" serves to set a name of a resulting sequence. By default to sequences assign names: seq 1 , seq 2 etc. The given field should be obligatory filled.
  • The panel "place sequence at" serves to set a place in a sequence 1 where the sequence 2 will be added:
    • "begin" - to add a sequence 2 in the beginning of a sequence 1.
    • "end" - to add a sequence 2 in the end of a sequence 1.
    • "position" - to make an insert from the certain position.
  • The field "pos" serves to set number of a position after which the insert will be made. The field is used only for an option "position". If the field is not filled, the insert will be made in the beginning of a sequence 1.
  • The field "Command summary" displays the current adjustments of a command (the chosen parameters). The given field is only information and does not serve for adjustment of parameters of command.