Genome Explorer short help

Loading a sequence through the web-form

    The window "Load sequence" serves for loading a sequence through the web-form.
  • The Field "Result (sequence name)" serves to set a name of a loaded sequence. By default to sequences assign names: seq 1 , seq 2 etc. The given field should be obligatory filled.
  • The Field "Input sequence" serves to input of a sequence. It is possible to set a sequence both in PLAIN and in a FASTA-format.

Loading a sequence from a file

    The window "Load sequence" serves for loading a sequence from a file.
  • The field "Result (sequence name)" serves to set a name of a loaded sequence. By default to sequences assign names: seq 1 , seq 2 etc. The given field should be obligatory filled.
  • The dropping down list "Input format" serves to set a format of an entrance file: FASTA or PLAIN.
  • The field "number" serves to set a serial number of a sequence in a FASTA-file. The given field is used only for FASTA-format of an entering file. If the PLAIN-format is given, the given field is ignored. Numbering of sequences in a file begins with 0. If the field is not filled, the first (zero) sequence from a FASTA-file is loaded.
  • The field "Input sequence file" and button "Browse" serve to set a way to a loaded file.