Genome Explorer short help

"Sequence search" command

    The window "sequence search" serves to search of one sequence in another. In heading before the name of a command the dropping down list serves to a choice of a sequence in which search will be made (further a sequence 1) is located. After the name of a command the dropping down list serves to a choice of a sequence which will be searched (further a sequence 2) is located.
  • The field "from" serves for definition of number of a position of a sequence 1 with which search begins.
  • The field "to" serves for definition of number of a position of a sequence 1 on which search comes to an end.
  • The field "length" serves for definition of length of area of search.
  • The field "mismatch" serves for set allowable quantity of discrepancies by search. If the field is not filled, to parameter value 0 automatically is appropriated. Restrictions on quantity of discrepancies: no more than half of length of motif, and also no more than 1000.
  • The field "Command summary" displays the current adjustments of a command (the chosen parameters). The given field is only information and does not serve for adjustment of parameters of command.

  • Parameters "from", "to" and "length" are connected among themselves. Simultaneously can be given no more than two parameters. At recalculation of parameters there is a check that values of parameters do not contradict each other and are intelligent.
  • If parameters "from", "to" and "length" are not given, to parameter "from" value "BEGIN" is appropriated (the beginning of a sequence), to parameter "To" is appropriated value "END" (the end of a sequence).
  • If the parameter "length" is given only, to parameter "to" value "BEGIN" is appropriated (the beginning of a sequence), to parameter "to" value of parameter "length" is appropriated.
  • If the parameter "to" is given only, to parameter "from" value "BEGIN" (the beginning of a sequence) is appropriated.
  • If the parameter "from" is given only, to parameter "to" value "END" (the end of a sequence) is appropriated.
  • If parameters "from" and "length" are given, value "to" is calculated in view of the specified values (to=from length-1).
  • If parameters "to" and "length" are given, value "from" is calculated in view of the specified values (from=to-lenhgth+1).