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Infogene Database

The Infogene database can be interactively explored by Java viewer that presents information about genes of model organisms. Information about each known gene might have been collected from dozens of separate GenBank loci. Infogen consists of two parts: Known genes and Predicted genes . Please include reference to Softberry, Inc. web server while using these data in your research.

Database Content

SpliceDB: Database of canonical and non-canonical splice site sequences of mammalian genes




FGENESH++ annotation of mouse genome is now available.
You can search your protein sequence against all known and predicted mouse proteins, or your EST/mRNA against all predicted mouse exons here.
To view mouse genome, with many its features, in our Genome Explorer, click here.



The current version of Human genome with its annotations is June 2002 (see in Genome Explorer). You can see expression data by right-mouse click on ant BRACA2 gene (in Genome Explorer).

Search your protein sequence against all known and predicted human proteins, and EST/mRNA sequence against all predicted exons here, and
instantly map your sequence on human genome
using our FMAP program here.



InfoGene/GenBank-known genes: Human, Other Primates, Mus musculus, Other Rodenta, Other Mammalia, Danio rerio, Fugu rubripes, Other Vertebrata, D.melanogaster, C.elegans, Other Invertebrata, S.cerevisiae, S.pombe, Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays, Oryza sativa, Other eukaryotes from GB *.pln

To view database of known genes, as well as previous ab initio (FGENESH) genome annotations using our InfoGene viewer, press the button and choose an organism from Division menu (known human genes are shown by default).

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