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ReadsMap: Program For Mapping Short Sequencing Reads
(Variant For Genomic reads)



ReadsMap is a program for high accuracy mapping of large sets of short sequencing reads. The program exists in two variants, for genome sequencing and for RNA-Seq, the latter accounts for possible introns in a reference sequence.


In the following example of a command line, single-end genomic reads (file reads.fa) are being mapped to chromosomes (chr1.fa,chr2.fa) of the same organism, allowing for deletions/insertions of up to four nucleotides. The results are being saved in subfolder ./da (must exist) in sam format.

 ./bin/ --chr:chr1.fa,chr2.fa  --reads:reads.fa --max_indel:4 --nosplice --wrkpath:./da --sam

In this example of a command line, pair-ends genomic reads (file reads.fa) are being mapped to chromosomes (chr1.fa,chr2.fa) of the same organism, allowing for deletions/insertions of up to four nucleotides. Results are being saved in subfolder ./da in sam format. Average distance between external ends of a pair is 200, standard deviation of such distance 20.0.

./bin/ --chr:chr1.fa,chr2.fa  --reads:reads.fa --paired --max_indel:4 --nosplice --wrkpath:./da -–sam --peAv:200 –peSd:20


Input parametrs:

--chr: - list of chromosomes (contigs), comma separated. File format – FASTA.

 --chr_list: - File with list of names of files with chromosomes (contigs) (alternative to previous variant). 
List of filenames is separated by line feed (by one filename in the line).

 --reads: - File with reads. File format - MULTI FASTA.
 --masked - invoke masking (ignore lowercase letters).

 --wrkpath:path - Path to keep aligning results

 --paired - use the information on pairness of reads. In our tests, taking pairness into account increased the specificity (proportion of correct alignments) but, in some way, decreased sensitivity (ratio of correct alignments to total number of reads). By default, this parameter is disabled. 
 Paired reads must be in a sequential order (even/odd).

Parameters of paired reads:

 --peAv:X          Average distance between external ends of a pair for PE type pairs. ( default 200.0)

 --peSd:X          Standard deviation of such distance. ( default 20.0)

 --sigma:          Number of standard deviations to calculate maximum and minimum allowed distances. ( default 5.0)

Alignment parametrs:

 --max_indel:X Set the maximal length of deletions/insertions.

 --covSkew:X  Maximal deviation from the best coverage: alignments with quality not worse than 1-X of the best will be kept (will pass the filter).

Output options:

 --cvt - Convert previously calculated *.da files into desired output format (alignment is not performed, only conversion).

 --sam  - convert the result to SAM format.

 --sbl  - convert the result to Sbl-like format (text format of alignment).

 --map  - convert the result into file with mapping coordinates.

 --stat:fname - create file with some descriptive statistics.

 --sites   - create  *sites files for FGENESH.

 --introns - create file with introns coordinats

 --snp  Search for SNP based on resulting alignments set. The result will be saved in VCF format.

--use_samtools - Use samtools for calculate SNP.


In the run_align.conf file you can change the default settings for some parameters

NTHREADS    7  - number of threads to use during the alignments calculation.
@MAXINDEL    4 - maximal length of isertions/deletions.
@COVSKEW  0.01 - maximal deviation from best coverage.

@USE_SAMTOOLS 1   - Use samtools to generate VCF file.
@SAMTOOLS $BIN/external/samtools   - set path to samtools ($BIN is ReadsMap folder)
@BCFTOOLS $BIN/external/bcftools  - set path to bcftools ($BIN is ReadsMap

# This variant is valid for version 1.2
@SAMTOOLS_VCF_CMD  mpileup -Bguf    - command line for samtools
@BCFTOOLS_VCF_CMD  call -cv -       - command line for bcftools


File(s) with chromosomal sequence in FASTA format and a file with read sequences in MULTIFASTA format are used as input.
Sequences of paired reads must be in order (even/odd). Preliminary data preparation can be performed using script, as described in fastq2_2_fasta.txt file.


Table 1. Parameters of sets of test reads.
MRNA-simulated reads
Potentially spliced high homology reads, no insertions/deletions, simulates errors of Illumna sequencer.

Length of reads Number of reads Spliced reads (crossing exon junctions) Parameters of readss
50bp 2 979 624 492 743 (16.5%) insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 1 960 300 485 857 (24.8%) insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
100bp 1 489 796 469 319 (33.3%) insert size = 300 bp, standard deviation = 30 bp, coverage = 40

Genome-simulated reads

Non-spliced reads with increasing frequency of mismatches (mutations) and limited number of insertions/deletions of uo tp 4 bp.

Length of reads Number of reads % of mutations % InDel Parameters of reads
76bp 18 363 068 0.5 0.002 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18 363 276 1 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18 368 502 2 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18361496 3 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18365644 4 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18361920 5 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18364062 6 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18369140 7 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18367384 8 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18373472 9 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40
76bp 18371406 10 0.02 insert size = 200 bp, standard deviation = 20 bp, coverage = 40

Combined table of accuracies of four read mapping programs, RNA-Seq reads, both spliced and non-spliced

Sn = good_align/reads_count.
Sp = good_align/AllAlign.

50bp 76bp 100bp

Sp Sn Sp Sn Sp Sn
ReadsMap 0.95571 0.99725 0.96732 0.99759 0.97411 0.99680
TopHat 0.92268 0.92268 0.94996 0.98643 0.95528 0.91894
STAR 0.89171 0.94056 0.90403 0.94007 0.89864 0.93096
PASS 0.89005 0.91547 0.88750 0.90603 0.86458 0.87765

Genome reads
Reads without introduced mutations and insertions/deletions (unspliced reads from the previous set)

ReadsMap v 1.9.0 (version for genomic reads)

Length, bp Quantity Aligned
Align N Good Sp Sn F1-Score G-Measure Time,sec
100 1 020 477 1020477
1020424 0,96978 0,99995 0,98463 0,98475 548.03
76 1 473 886 1473886
1530231 1473831 0,96314 0,99996 0,98120 0,98138 452.56
50 2 486 387 2486336

2711089 2485726 0,91687 0,99973 0,95651 0,95740 980.28

BWA v 0.7.12

Length, bp Quantity Aligned
Align N Good Sp Sn F1-Score G-Measure Time,sec*
100 1 020 477 1019620
1019620 1009030 0,98961 0,98878 0,98919 0,98919 347.29
76 1 473 886 1473210
1473210 1455150 0,98774 0,98729 0,98751 0,98751 322.25
50 2 486 387 2485349
2485349 2441869 0,98251 0,98210 0,98230 0,98230 297.23

* Time without indexing of reference genome, which took additional 65 sec.


Length, bp Quantity Aligned
Align N Good Sp Sn F1-Score G-Measure Time,sec*
100 1 020 477 1020244
1020244 1009052 0,98903 0,98880 0,98891 0,98891 179.26
76 1 473 886 1473158
1473158 1454956 0,98764 0,98716 0,98740 0,98740 156.86
50 2 486 387 2477883
2477883 2434210 0,98237 0,97901 0,98069 0,98069 158.74

Reads with introduced mismatches (mutations) and insertions/deletions of up to four bp

ReadsMap v 1.9.0 (version for genomic reads)

% of mutations Quantity Aligned
Align N Good Sp Sn F1-Score G-Measure Time,sec*
0,5 18 363 068 18362950
19254664 18338766 0,95243 0.99868 0.97501 0.97528 13208,16
1 18 363 276 18234432
19120356 17004096 0,88932 0.92598 0.90728 0.90746 17901,33
2 18 368 502 18242134
19142304 14515623 0,75830 0.79025 0.77395 0.77411 29625,92
3 18 361 496 18216744
19124318 15170384 0,79325 0.82621 0.80939 0.80956 39638,09
4 18 365 644 18150184
19058762 12310677 0,64593 0.67031 0.65789 0.65801 45485,20
5 18 361 920 17985918
18886312 12444053 0,65889 0.67771 0.66817 0.66823 46113,67
6 18 364 062 17672136
18581674 11741815 0,63190 0.63939 0.63562 0.63563 43155,83
7 18 369 140 17148746
18017920 11163611 0,61958 0.60774 0.61360 0.61363 38197,16
8 18 367 384 16367454
17205394 10175198 0,59140 0.55398 0.57208 0.57238 31221,26
9 18 373 472 15330374
16132718 9380973 0,58149 0.51057 0.54373 0.54488 26240,48
10 18 371 406 14010072
14742026 8015146 0,54369 0.43628 0.48410 0.48703 23297,59

BWA v 0.7.12

% of mutations Quantity Aligned
Align N Good Sp Sn F1-Score G-Measure Time,sec*
0,5 18 363 068 18362950
18277290 17836216 0.97587 0.97131 0.97358 0.97359 1861.88
1 18 363 276 18234432
16352253 16352253 0.91169 0.89049 0.90097 0.90103 2193.43
2 18 368 502 18242134
16981036 16981036 0.77650 0.71785 0.74602 0.74660 2715.63
3 18 361 496 18216744
15184617 12332850 0.81219 0.67167 0.73528 0.73860 2885.90
4 18 365 644 18150184
12798496 8450889 0.66030 0.46015 0.54235 0.55121 2808.80
5 18 361 920 17985918
10210712 6876296 0.67344 0.37449 0.48132 0.50219 2744.36
6 18 364 062 17672136
7757125 5013381 0.64629 0.27300 0.38386 0.42004 2455.39
7 18 369 140 17148746
5650432 3577670 0.63317 0.19477 0.29790 0.35117 2117.16
8 18 367 384 16367454
3960788 2389041 0.60317 0.13007 0.21399 0.28010 1748.40
9 18 373 472 15330374
2697972 1602255 0.59387 0.08720 0.15207 0.22756 1455.65
10 18 371 406 14010072
1783120 990818 0.55567 0.05393 0.09832 0.17311 1222.717

* Time without indexing of reference genome, which took additional 65 sec.


% of mutations Quantity Aligned
Align N Good Sp Sn F1-Score G-Measure Time,sec*
0,5 18 363 068 18362950
18258558 17769803 0.97323 0.96769 0.97045 0.97046 2449.11
1 18 363 276 18234432
18054372 16276544 0.88636 0.88636 0.88636 0.88636 2569.75
2 18 368 502 18242134
17355459 13272528 0.76475 0.72257 0.74306 0.74336 2543.34
3 18 361 496 18216744
16230075 12951743 0.79801 0.70538 0.74884 0.75027 2446.93
4 18 365 644 18150184
9582292 9582292 0.64740 0.52175 0.57782 0.58119 2277.48
5 18 361 920 17985918
13129087 8662673 0.65981 0.47177 0.55017 0.55792 2102.27
6 18 364 062 17672136
11373687 7194946 0.63260 0.39179 0.48389 0.49784 1854.86
7 18 369 140 17148746
9596446 5946099 0.61961 0.32370 0.42524 0.44785 1701.03
8 18 367 384 16367454
7885925 4663468 0.59137 0.25390 0.35527 0.38749 1528.09
9 18 373 472 15330374
6337211 3684500 0.58141 0.20053 0.29821 0.34145 1350.17
10 18 371 406 14010072
4935904 2681500 0.54326 0.14596 0.23010 0.28159 1199.94


ReadsMap is a free for academic use. Please contact us at for commercial license.


Static binary linux86-64